You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.1. File - Inventory > Updating an Item

Updating an Item

You can update the details of an item in the Item master file, and you can delete items you no longer require. Note that you cannot delete an item if it has stock on hand or is on a quote, receipt, import costing batch, job, estimate or kit. Nor can you delete a head office maintained item.

  1. Open the Item Update screen for the item you want to update or delete.

Refer to "Opening the Item Master File".

  1. Optionally, recall an item by selecting FILE | FIND.
  1. Update the item details on the following tabs as required:


Technical Tip

Please note that some options may be disabled due to:

  • modules not being available on the system (like Job Costing or Kitting)
  • user ID access having these options removed from the menu selection setup.
  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.
  1. To delete the item displayed, select FILE | DELETE.



2.8 Feature

If you try to delete an item that has sales figures and the Master File Deletion Restrictions field on the General Configuration screen is set to No (refer to "Edit - Program - General"), Micronet displays a message warning you that deleting the item may affect some sales reports:

You should only continue deleting the item if you are absolutely sure that it is no longer required.